An Effective Approach to Intimate Partner Abuse in Health Care Settings
A Position Statement developed by the Health Committee of the Woman Abuse Council
This document was developed to promote the Woman Abuse Council's position on the elements of an effective and comprehensive approach to intimate partner abuse (IPA) in health care settings. ...more
Best Practice Guidelines Amendment- Diversity
WomanACT's Best Practice Guidelines are an attempt to provide guidelines for how agencies or sectors can improve their internal consistency through the development of a common analysis and understanding of woman abuse, which will bring about a consistency in the level and quality of services.
Best Practice Guidelines and Implementation Checklist
Best Practice Guidelines and Implementation Checklist for agencies or sectors dealing with VAW. ...more
Best Practice Guidlines For Health Care Providers
Working With Women Who Have Been Abused
Developed by the Metro Woman Abuse Council in coopation with the Ontario Hospital Association and The'Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto ...more
Blueprint for Action Forum Agenda
May 16th,2013
A Day to Generate Knowledge and Action to Address Violence Against Women ...more
Children Exposed to Woman Abuse
The Social and Child Welfare Policy Committee of the Board (now renamed as the Advocacy and Social Policy Committee) agreed several years ago to develop a new policy on Children Exposed to Woman Abuse to build on existing policy. The Committee further agreed that two distinct policies were needed: the first focusing on children witnessing violence in their country of origin and the second, children exposed to violence within their families. ...more
Creating Justice Through Balance
Integrating Domestic Violence Law into Family Court Practice
Freedom from domestic violence is a central right that will be realized through a transformation of culture. Law, embedded within the evolving cultural transformation, plays a necessary, though not sufficient, role in social change. ...more
Creating Safety
A questionnaire intended to help women become aware of some of the indicators of domestic violence/abuse. ...more
Diversity Fourm Summary
Working Towards Change: Integrating Diversity in Our Work
As Summarized By Irena Klebuc, Placement Student, Ryerson University ...more
Documenting Women's Experiences with the Toronto Police Services in Domestic Violence Situations
The Documenting Experiences with the Toronto Police Service project emerged from discussions in the Violence Against Women (VAW) community in Toronto about the importance of being able to track both exceptionally good police responses to domestic violence incidents in the community as well as problematic responses. ...more
Domestic Violence Death Review Committee
Annual Report to the Chief Coroner: 2004
The Domestic Violence Death Review Committee (DVDRC) is a multi-disciplinary advisory committee of experts, established under the authority of the Coroners Act, that reports the results of domestic violence fatality investigations to the Chief Coroner. ...more
Environmental Scan of Services and Service Coordination for Woman Abuse in Toronto
Final Report
The primary purpose of this project was to carry out an environmental scan of existing services and service coordination systems designed to serve the needs of women abused by intimate partners in Toronto. ...more
Experiences of Front-line Shelter Workers in Providing Services to Immigrant Women
Angie Rupra
Shelter service provision to immigrant women impacted by family violence is explored
by presenting findings from a qualitative research study. Semi-structured interviews
were employed with four front-line workers of shelters for abused women and children in
the Southern Ontario region. The training and experiences of participants were explored
and workers were asked for recommendations that would improve shelter service
delivery to immigrant women. ...more
Family Action Court Team (F.A.C.T.)
Family Court Watch Project 2008 Background Paper
The Family Court Watch Project was designed to gather and disseminate information regarding Family Court cases that involve women who are victims of domestic violence
and in particular to identify the impact of woman abuse on family law proceedings. ...more
Feeling Your Way
A Survival Guide For After an Abusive Relationship Ends
A joint initiative of The Woman Abuse Council of Toronto and St. Joseph's Health Centre, Women's Health Centre ...more
Feeling Your Way
A Survival Guide For After an Abusive Relationship Ends
A joint initiative of The Woman Abuse Council of Toronto and St. Joseph's Health Centre, Women's Health Centre ...more
The High Risk project evolved out of the concern raised by members of the Support Services
and Cultural Issues Committee of the Woman Abuse Council of Toronto. The concern was
regarding the need to identify an effective and timely response to situations where one or
more players are involved in a high-risk case. ...more
High Risk Project Evaluation Report
This evaluation of the High Risk Project (HRP) at the Woman Abuse Council of Toronto (WACT)
was carried out to meet the requirements set out by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and assist
WACT to review its work in the area of High Risk (HR) over the past three years ...more
If Low Income Women of Colour Counted in Toronto
Final Report of the Action-Research Project Breaking Isolation, Getting Involved
This document is designed to be an impetus to action among policymakers and women's, social justice and municipal advocates alike.
Little Eyes. Little Ears
Violence Against a Mother Shapes Children as They Grow
"A child who lives with violence is forever changed, but not forever "damaged." There's a lot we can do to make tomorrow better." ...more
Models for creating plans in response to family crises, conflict resolution and building community frequently are identified by a range of titles. This can be confusing for anyone attempting to understand the differences between the models in order to understand which model to apply to a particular situation. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet ALBANIAN
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet ARABIC
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet ENGLISH
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet FARSI
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet FRENCH
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet KOREAN
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet PORTUGUESE
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet SERBIAN
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet SIMPLIFIED CHINESE
Provides information about, and for women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet SOMALI
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet SPANISH
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet TAGALOG
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet TAMIL
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet TRADITIONAL CHINESE
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Non-Status Women in Canada: Fact Sheet TURKISH
Provides information about, and for, women living without immigration status in Canada. ...more
Our Voice
April 2009 - Issue 1, Volume 1
We are very excited to introduce Our Voice. The purpose of the newsletter is to keep all members of the Woman Abuse Council of Toronto Community informed of the most current activities and initiatives of the Council. ...more
Partner Abuse Response Programs (PAR)
WACT performs a direct role in managing and supporting the intake, case management and delivery of Partner Abuse Response (PAR) programs and a Partner Intervention Program for women who have been charged. ...more
The Police-Shelter Memorandum of Understanding is the result of a partnership between the Toronto Police Services and the Shelter Commitee of the Woman Abuse Council of Toronto. ...more
Quitting Smoking for Women
The Easy Way for Women to Stop Smoking
Quitting smoking has many benefits for your physical and emotional health. Learn how quitting can improve your health now and in the future. ...more
Realistic View Welcomed
Vivien Green, Toronto Star, July 2, 2007
It is with shock that I read the front page headline: Suddenly his anger exploded. ...more
The Blueprint Project Discussion Paper
May 16th,2013
Discussion Paper ...more
The Woman Abuse Community Report Card Project
Tools to Assist Communities in Carrying Out
Self-Assessments Regarding the Effectiveness of Their Response to Woman Abuse ...more
ty for Abused Women and Their Childrens Search for Justice and Community Services After Separation
The Barriers of Violence & Poverty for Abused Women and Their Childrens Search for Justice and Community Services After Separation
A Summary Report Prepared for the Atkinson Foundation December 16, 2002 ...more
Violent Partners Create War Zone for Women
Pamela Cross, Toronto Star, July 6, 2007
Media coverage of the recent intimate partner murder/suicides of Canadian wrestler Chris Benoit in Atlanta and Alton Beckford in Toronto relied on all-too common phrases to describe these events. ...more
Walk the Talk to End Violence Against Women & Children
30 women and 12 children have been killed this year alone in Ontario as a result of domestic violence. The Walk the Talk project displays a pair of shoes to symbolize each woman and child murdered between November, 2005 and November, 2006. ...more
WomanACT Annual Report
The Woman Abuse Council of Toronto (WomanACT) is proud to present our 2014-2015 Annual Report. ...more
Women Charged with Domestic Violence in Toronto
The Unintended Consequences of Mandatory Charge Policies
This study examines the startling increase in the numbers of women arrested, either solely or dually, in domestic violence situations since the application of mandatory charge policies. ...more
Court Watch IV 2006
Annual Report
Findings and Recommendations
Women's Safety Project
Pilot Study: Evaluation of Batterers' Programs
This study was undertaken with the Woman Abuse Council of Toronto and was funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. ...more